Compact Modules For Herd Management

The management modules you need for your cattle farming enterprise are available in the CowMaster Herd Management Application.


Cattle Management Module

You can record all information about your animals and control them collectively or individually. Thanks to the animal status summary, you can instantly access the general status information of your dairy or beef cattle, and information about sick, pregnant, lactating, or dry animals. The herd management system automatically classifies your animals into age and gender categories, providing the breeder with adequate IT support.

Milk Management Module

With the herd management system Milk Module, you can keep records of your milk production and make comparisons over specific time periods. You can examine changes in production with graphs. You can track your milk production both individually and across the entire enterprise, and generate reports.


Incomes-Expenses Module

With the Income-Expense module, you can track your costs and revenues and view your periodic reports. By monitoring your enterprise's financial activities, you can see your profitability ratios. You can group your inputs and record them easily.

Timely Notifications

Notifications for estrus, insemination, dry period, birth, and vaccinations for your female animals; notifications for septicemia vaccination for your calves; reminder notifications to facilitate your milk tracking automatically alert you.

Additionally, with the custom notifications you enter manually, you can maximize profit without missing important events.


Dairy Summary

On the application's home page, you can find a general overview of your farm. It provides the total number of animals; classification into cows, heifers, bulls, steers, and calves; the numbers of sick, pregnant, lactating, and dry animals; and the overall information of your enterprise all on one page.

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sürü yönetim uygulaması- cow master